Twelve youth and 5 chaperones slept in tents just a few yards from the rhinos and elephants at the San Diego Safari Park. We enjoyed a unique...
Roar & Snore at the San Diego Safari Park
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Twelve youth and 5 chaperones slept in tents just a few yards from the rhinos and elephants at the San Diego Safari Park. We enjoyed a unique...
The Youth Group stuffed 100's of Easter eggs and hid them. We then organized a massive Easter egg hunt for the younger kids in the Mission Hills...
The Youth Group fields one of the most successful teams in the highly competitive MHUCC Souper Bowl. The soup making contest is an annual event in...
The MHUCC Youth Group prepared 100 gift bags to be given to Just in Time for Foster Youth at their 2021 holiday event We included cozy socks,...
During the COVID-19 lockdown the MHUCC Youth Group met every week via zoom, lead by our Youth Leader, Danielle Carlin. It was an important...