Zeta Rho Study Club

by | Aug 1, 2022

Perhaps you have heard of this group of women who meet in our church twice monthly. The history of the group goes back 75 years, when a group of women in Chicago formed the Delphian Society , seeking to continue their educational experience by meeting regularly to discuss topics of historic and national interest. In 1932, a San Diego chapter was established, meeting in the El Cortez Hotel. Since 1938, they have functioned independently of the national society. They are now called the Zeta Rho Study Club. Through the years they have met in various locations, before moving to Mission Hills United Church of Christ 3 years ago. They meet in our Fellowship Hall twice a month for member-led discussions and lunch.

If you would like to learn more about this group, you can speak with some of our church members who are enthusiastic Zeta Rho participants, – Jere McInerney, Marilyn Miles, Barbara Wiggins, Juanita Hill and Lorraine Boyle. Guests are always welcome.

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