Ramet Family

by | Feb 1, 2023

In 1974, the congregations of 1st Congregational Church and Mission Hills Congregational Church voted to come together as one church.   In the first pictorial directory of the newly unified congregations, we find this picture of new members Dianne and Bruce Ramet.  Since then, Bruce and Dianne have been active church members, serving on many various church committees and ministries.  They began singing in our choir in 1974 and still sing with our church choir and other community choral groups.  Their 2 daughters, Nicole and Danielle, grew up in this church and still live in Southern California.  Bruce and Dianne love MHUCC, its members/friends/staff, its theology, its Open and Affirming nature, its outreach and the many on-going mission projects.  We are blessed to serve with them.


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