by | Aug 1, 2024

In the 100 years of our church organ, there have been 17 organists.  Here are some interesting accomplishments of several of these musicians –

Thusnelda Bircsak served our church from 1941-1953.  She composed several pieces of music for piano and voice in the 1950’s.  “The Humming Bird” sheet music is still available on Amazon.

Constance Virtue served our church in 1955-56.  She developed the “Notagraph” as a new system of musical notation (a 7-line staff.), pictured above.

John Eitzen was our longest serving organist.  He was at Mission Hills for 15 years, from 1974-1989.  He also served at our parent church First Congregational from 1965 – 1974.

Kathleen Scheide served as our organist from 1991 – 1993.  She is still a performing organist and harpsichordist and also composes for organ.


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