Organ Centennial … continued

by | Apr 1, 2024

From an article in the “San Diego Union,” Sept. 21, 1924, reporting on the new organ being installed at Mission Hills Congregational Church  – “Edward Crome, organ builder and installer of Austin organs on the Pacific coast, is in charge of the work.  He installed the Spreckles organ in the pavilion in Balboa Park and declares the organ he now is assembling is just as fine and perfect an instrument as is the much larger one which he installed here 10 years ago.”

On Sunday, April 21, 2024, at 4 PM,  you can enjoy a concert on this “fine and perfect” instrument performed by Dr. Alison Luedecke, Organist/Choir Director at the Church of the Nativity in Rancho Santa Fe.  One of the pieces Dr. Luedecke will play is the “Funeral March and Seraphic Song” by French composer Alexandre Guilmant, a piece that was played at our first organ recital on Sept. 25, 1924, in memory of our first Pastor, the Rev. John Doane.

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