“A Church that Stands for Something”

by | Jan 1, 2025

In a recent column, Pastor David said “this congregation excels at making things happen.”  The foundation for this success is seen in the history of our church.  Comments from earlier Pastoral reports include:

“There is a working together in this church that is a wondrous thing.”

~ Rev. E. Walter Smith, 1955

“Increasingly we are becoming a church that is not afraid to let its light shine for Christ.  People are beginning to know that this church stands for something in the life of the city.”

~ Rev. Dr. Kermit E. White, 1965

“It is a privilege to serve as the Minister of this church when there are so many able people who are willing to share Christ’s ministry and take a responsible part in our over all purpose.”

~ Rev. Dr. Joseph M. Sandven, 1970

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