Get Involved
At Mission Hills UCC there are a number of ways for all ages to get involved, from church activities to serving our community. We hope you’ll join us – all are welcome! Keep an eye on our calendar, newsletter, or social media for the latest opportunities.





Feeding Mission Hills
Every third Tuesday of the month our church parking lot fills with volunteers packing over 150 bags of food with produce and protein to give to neighbors who come. We can always use a few more hands starting at 9:00 a.m. to set up and fill bags with fresh fruit and vegetables – just show up!
Carol and Larry Holt are the coordinators.
Caring Team
The Caring Team reaches out when people are going through difficult times, such as hospitalization, when someone becomes unable to leave their home, or when they experience a major loss in their lives. We also assist families with receptions for memorial services.
Joan Berry and Suzanne Albrecht are the Conveners of this team.
Children, Youth, & Family Team
We have a vibrant ministry with children, youth, and families ranging from Sunday morning activities and weekday events to our annual All Generations Weekend to Pilgrim Pines, our church camp. We have an annual Christmas Carol Camp for students at the local school and Vacation Bible School every summer. Our youth group builds a house in Tijuana every year – and much more. We encourage exploration to deepen our faith through a variety of programs. Kim Antos is our Convener.
Check out our Children and Youth pages to learn more.
(pictured – Christmas Carol Camp)
Fellowship Team
Mission Hills excels at hospitality. In addition to weekly coffee hour after worship, this team sponsors an annual night of Hymns and Beer, Church in the Park, a feast on the Sunday before Thanksgiving, and many more opportunities for fellowship and relationship building.
(pictured – annual Thanksgiving Feast after worship)
Seven Friends Groups
An important way to get to know people is through our Seven Friends Groups. These small groups, which change every year, meet regularly for such activities as museum visits, potlucks, or anything the group decides to do together.
Bruce Ramet and Georgia Rickert are our Conveners.
(pictured – a Seven Friends outing to the Safari Park)
Faith in Action Team
Mission Hills UCC is all about making our faith count for something in our communities. Every month a mission of the church such as Feeding Mission Hills or a community organization like Jewish Family Services’ Migrant Welcoming Program are highlighted in worship with volunteer opportunities or financial support.
Lisa Striebing is our Convener.
(pictured – FIA delivering supplies to Monarch School)
Worship Team
Worship at Mission Hills is vibrant thanks to the active participation of adults and youth – you can participate as a reader, communion server, musician, use your visual artistic skills, become a tech volunteer, and more.
Our vocal and bell choirs, led by Angelica and Kris, are excellent – if you like to sing or play, there is a place for you. We also sponsor special services during the year for Lent, Easter, Christmas, and one Sunday in the park every year.
David Jay is our Convener.
Knitting 2 Give
MHUCC is happy to be part of the Knitting4Peace network, which consists of individuals dedicated to crafting hope, healing, and peace one stitch at a time. Shawls, blankets, scarves, caps, and dolls are created for individuals and families in global areas of conflict.
You don’t have to know how to knit, crochet, or sew, or even be a woman, to be a part of this group – just a willingness to help. Joan would be happy to teach anyone interested how to knit – so don’t let a lack of experience stop you.
Knitting 2 Give meets the 1st Friday of the month from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 noon and the 3rd Thursday of the month from 2:00-4:00 p.m. at the church and new members are always welcome.
Prayer Partners
There are 20 people who have covenanted to pray every day for the requests received in worship or submitted by email –
This group also gets together by Zoom once a month. We would love to welcome more people to join us so just ask for more information.
Linda Sommer is the Coordinator.
Life Stages Team
This brand-new group grew out of a desire for engagement with our older members asking for more opportunities for education, activity, and fellowship. We’ve added weekly yoga classes, spiritual day retreats, a Second Saturday Series of speakers on issues related to aging and health, and a monthly lunch with the pastor. And there is more to come.
Marilyn Miles is the Convener.
(pictured – Second Saturday Series led by League of Women Voters)
Community Connections Team
We value our place and relationships within the Mission Hills neighborhood and so we show up and we support. For example, we are a major funder of the annual concert series in the park attended by 1,000 people every Friday night in the summer and provide children’s activities and engage with people who attend.
We cheer the runners past our church for the Mission Hills 5K. We participate in the Town Council and Business Improvement District. We offer our building for the Garden Club and other groups. We also march in the annual LGBTQ Pride Parade. Behind it all, however, is our desire to be good neighbors and foster good relationships in the community.
(pictured – our booth at the summer concert series)