John 14:1-7
The Way of Jesus is the Way of Love
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John 14:1-7
John 10:1-10
Psalm 8
John 20:19-30
Jeremiah 65: 17-25
John 11:1-48
John 1:1-41
John 4:3-30, 39-42
Isaiah 58:1-9a
Matthew 5:21-26
1 Samuel 3:1-10
Micah 6:1-8
Matthew 4:13-22
Matthew 5:13-16
Matthew 3:13-17
Matthew 1:18-25
Luke 1: 26-39
Matthew 7: 1-17
Isaiah 65: 17-25
Malachi 4: 1-2
Luke 20:27-30