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Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of church are you?

MHUCC is a local church of the United Church of Christ, a liberal, progressive Christian denomination where all are welcome, no matter where they are on their spiritual journey. We are an Open and Affirming Congregation.

What is the United Church of Christ?

The United Church of Christ (UCC) is a progressive, inclusive protestant denomination that celebrates diversity and community action. UCC churches seek to unite people from all ethnic, racial and social backgrounds. Our churches and ministries are active worldwide, working in communities to promote social justice and better living standards. The UCC has very old roots – we look to the Pilgrims as our faith ancestors. The UCC was formed when the Congregational Christian Church merged with the Evangelical and Reformed Church in 1957. Please check out the United Church of Christ website.

What time are your worship services?

We worship every Sunday at 10:00 am. Don’t worry if you’re a little late – some of our most experienced members stroll in at 10:15. Ushers are available to help you find a seat if it’s a little crowded, and there is also a balcony if you want to sneak in.

Is your church accessible to people with disabilities?

Yes, our whole building is wheelchair accessible. We have an elevator to reach the second floor and accessible bathrooms by the sanctuary entrance.  Ask an usher for directions. We provide ASL interpreters for our 10:00 a.m. worship service.

What should I wear?

Some people come dressed in their Sunday best. Others dress more casually. We believe God cares more about the state of our hearts than the state of our wardrobe. You are invited to wear whatever you are comfortable in. In the summer, we try to forego air-conditioning and instead open the doors for a cool breeze; it gets a little warm in the sanctuary so you will want to dress accordingly.

What do you offer for my children during worship?

Children and families of all shapes and sizes are welcomed and cherished at MHUCC.

We have both a nursery and a Sunday School for children and youth. Our nursery is available for infants through two years old and the attendants are there by 9:30 a.m. If you are not comfortable leaving your child with the nursery attendants, you are welcome to remain in worship with your infant. Our goal is for both the parents and the baby to have an enjoyable experience at MHUCC.

Sunday School for children ages two through high school is also available.

Do you have communion?

MHUCC celebrates the Eucharist on the first Sunday of every month, as well as Christmas Eve, Easter, and Holy Week. All are welcome at the table – the youngest children even join in remembering the last meal Jesus shared with his disciples.

Do I have to join or become a “member” of MHUCC?

No, we have many friends that regularly attend MHUCC and that’s perfectly okay. Our desire is to help people grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ and honor their journeys, whether or not they are members. If you aren’t ready, we hope you’ll continue to attend services, get connected with others, serve God through the ministries that are offered, and participate in other MHUCC events as you desire.

How do I become a member?

Three times annually the Pastor offers an Inquirers’ Class for those wishing to learn more or to join the church. Please contact the church office for the date of the next class.

Can I rent your church hall (or other church spaces)?

Yes, we rent our facilities for community use to nonprofit groups that carry liability insurance. Please review our the church floor plan and Facility Use Policy, and complete the Facility Use Application to begin the application process. New and renewing applications are reviewed each month by the Property, Administration, and Technology Ministry.