40 Days of Prayer Before the Election Devotional 2024

Welcome to Mission Hills United Church of Christ.

At Mission Hills UCC, we believe in fostering a community that transcends division and unites all people in the spirit of love, justice, and faith. As we approach the upcoming 2024 election season, our church remains a space for reflection, growth, and action—not through partisanship, but through prayer, dialogue, and a commitment to turning to God.

Our faith calls us to be active in the world, praying for peace, justice, and understanding. In times of political uncertainty, we turn to God for guidance. We invite our community to engage in thoughtful prayer, especially in this season when our nation faces many critical decisions. Throughout our history, Mission Hills United Church of Christ has stood as a beacon of faith-driven activism, welcoming individuals from all walks of life. We recognize the importance of diversity and the power of listening to one another, grounded in the belief that through God’s grace, we can build a world where everyone is heard, respected, and valued.

As part of our ongoing mission to inspire faith-led action, we are introducing a 40 Days of Prayer Devotional encouraging others to come together in reflection during this important time.

This devotional is a tool for inner peace, offering daily prayers for our country, its leaders, and the election process itself.

You can download the **free 40 Days of Prayer Devotional PDF** to participate in this journey with us.

Each day provides a short prayer that reflects our hope for unity, justice, and wisdom as we navigate the complexities of modern life.

40 Days of Prayer Devotional for the 2024 Election Cover

Sample Prayer

Day 40 – September 26, 2024

On Lost Sheep and Rejoicing – Peter Bolland

Professor of Philosophy and Humanities at Southwestern College and
author of The Seven Stone Path: An Everyday Journey to Wisdom

“Don’t get political,” they say, “just preach God’s word.”
“Don’t get political,” they say, “just sing your little songs.”
“Don’t get political,” they say, “take down those rainbow flags.”
But what are politics but the enactment of our values?
What are politics but actions that bring our vision to life,
the way lifting a sculpture out of a bath of water reveals its beauty?

Is our sacred call to universal, unconditional loving-kindness political?
Is our natural impulse to stand between harm and its victims political?
Is our bottomless longing for freedom—our own and everyone else’s—political?

Truth is the what, politics is the how.
Love is the mission, politics is the means.
Justice is the journey, politics is the road, and the wagon.
Without politics, truth, love, and justice are just dots on a map.

We get the society we deserve—and we deserve better, which means we have work to do.
Suffering in silence isn’t enough. Shaking your head isn’t enough.
Disgust that does not move you to act is self-indulgence, arrogance even.
What if feeling hopeless is a way of hiding from responsibility?
What if giving up is a luxury we cannot afford?

Is longing for less gun violence divisive?
Is naming and calling out racism, anti-Semitism, and all othering divisive?
Is the comfort of those inside the circle more important than the suffering of those cast out?
Whom shall we serve? Those already safe, or those still in danger?
Who among you would not leave the ninety-nine and go after the one lost sheep?

Is rescuing the lost sheep, and carrying her home on your shoulders political?
Are the tears of joy at your reunion political? Amen

Faith In Action: Serving Our Community

In addition to prayer, Mission Hills UCC remains steadfast in our commitment to social justice, compassion, and inclusivity.

Join Us in Building a More Compassionate World

As we enter this election season, we reaffirm our commitment to be a sanctuary for thoughtful dialogue, collective prayer, and shared action. No matter who you are, where you come from, or what you believe, you are welcome at Mission Hills United Church of Christ. We believe in the power of community to make a difference, and we encourage you to join us in prayer, service, and fellowship. Together, we can create a world where peace, justice, and love prevail.

Mission Hills United Church of Christ Rainbow Church

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